Insurance Glossary
The terms defined below are summarized and subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions printed in the policy. Refer to the policy itself for specific definitions or contact us with any questions!
Anyone other than a policyholder who is covered by an insurance policy. Coverage might be limited to a single event or it could last for the lifetime of the policy. They are added as an insured under the policy at the request of the named insured.
Additional Insured
One who solicits, negotiates or effects contracts of insurance on behalf of an insurer.
The total amount of coverage that is available during the policy period.
Same as Insured.
One who represents an insured in the solicitation, negotiation or procurement of insurance contracts.
A commercial lines policy that contains more than one of the following coverage parts: Commercial Property, Commercial Liability, and Farm Coverage.
Commercial Package Policy (CPP)
The portion of an insured loss to be paid by the insured before he is entitled to recovery from the insurer.
Doubles the total amount of coverage that is available during the policy period, but does not increase the occurrence limit.
Double Aggregate
A written or printed form attached to the policy which alters provisions of the contract.
Increases the per occurrence and aggregate limits. Normally, primary limits of $1 million/$2 million are required.
Excess Limits
Specific situations, conditions, or circumstances that are listed in the contract as being not covered.
Also known as damage to rented premises or fire legal liability, is an important provision under a commercial general liability (CGL) policy when a business is leasing either the building or partial space within a building. It provides coverage for property damage due to a fire to the leased or rented premises as a result of the insured’s negligence.
Fire Damage Limit
The stated value of the horse that is covered under the policy. It may be the purchase price, or another value agreed upon by the insurance company based on an appraisal, show records and training expenses.
Insured Value
A very limited coverage policy that covers your horse in the event of death caused by one of the very specific perils listed on the policy which occurs and is reported during the policy period. Same as “Specified Perils”.
Limited Mortality
The party to whom money or insurance proceeds is to be paid in the event of loss, such as the lienholder on an automobile or the mortgagee on real property.
Loss Payee
An endorsement that covers the veterinarian’s fees for surgery, major illness and disease.
Major Medical
Life insurance for your horse, with you as beneficiary. It covers death by any cause, subject to certain exclusions, which are stated in the policy.
Mortality Insurance
Any person, firm, or corporation, or any member thereof, specifically designated by name as the insured(s) in a policy. Others may be protected as insureds even though their names do not appear on the policy. A common application of this latter principle is in Commercial Liability policies where, under the definition of insured, protection is extended to cover.
Named Insured
Failure to use that degree of care which an ordinary person of reasonable prudence would use under the given or similar circumstances. A person may be negligent by acts of omission or commission or both.
An event that results in an insured loss. In some lines of insurance, such as Liability, it is distinguished from accident in that the loss does not have to be sudden and fortuitous and can result from continuous or repeated exposure which results in bodily injury or property damage neither expected nor intended by the insured.
Coverage to protect you in instances when a product the insured is responsible for causes bodily injury or property damage.
Products and Completed Operations
A very limited coverage policy that covers your horse in the event of death caused by one of the very specific perils listed on the policy which occurs and is reported during the policy period.
Specified Perils
An Endorsement that covers surgical costs for accident, injury or illness, plus a portion of the non-surgical medical costs that are necessitated as a result of the surgery.
Surgical Only

Competitive rates for every horse-related activity.
Rojas Agency Inc. was established in 1972 to provide our clients with the best insurance coverage at an affordable price. We have access to many insurance companies and are committed to finding the right policy for you.